Startup Guide Creative Industries 4

Business Guide Step IV

… and action! Now it´s time to carry out your plan: determine your audience and write down a list of desirable companies, agencies and clients you’d like to work with that are in line with your offering. As a writer keep a list of publications and editors who are likely to respond to your style. […]

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Startup Guide Creative Industries 3

Business Guide Step III

After observing competitors and examine customers´ needs to create appropriate offers and put your original spin on creative role, it´s important to establish and focus the business concept: write a business plan! Collect all your ideas, decide what you will exactly do at which time and what is necessary to do it. Do you need […]

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Startup Guide Creative Industries: 2

Business Guide Step II

Key economists will confirm and annual statistics approve it: Berlin´s creative sector is an essential element of economic progress, employment and trade with ongoing increasing growth rates. But: it is easy for you as a fashion designer, musician, artist, architect, game developer or writer, to start your own creative business and access to Berlin markets? […]

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Startup Guide Creative Industries 1

Business Guide Step I

Helping businesses to open and grow is my key activity as a business consultant, who knows self-employment  for nearly 20 years. Starting a business can be a complex and difficult process, especially in the creative industries. During the next days I´ll offer you this special Business Guide to facilitate your entry into the business world, […]

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Business start up seminar in “Creative Industries”

Vielfalt Gründet mehrsprachige Orientierungsseminare zur Gründung

Are you a fashion designer, musician, artist, architect, game developer or writer, sitting at your worktable daydreaming about starting your own creative business? You are looking for access to Berlin markets? Especially in Berlin the creative sector is an essential element of economic progress, employment and trade with ongoing increasing growth rates. But to start […]

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Seminar Kreative Gründungen

Zukunft planen - Chancen sehen Lonex Klee

10.10.2017: Als Dozentin für kreative Existenzgründungen bin ich an der Seminarreihe „Vielfalt-gründet“ (zuvor: „Zukunft planen. Chancen sehen“) beteiligt, die die Senatsverwaltung für Wirtschaft und die Investitionsbank Berlin IBB für ExistenzgründerInnen nichtdeutscher Herkunft veranstaltet. Diese Gründungen machen einen großen Teil der Berliner Szene im Bereich der Einzelunternehmen aus – mit weiter steigendem Trend. Mein Seminar „Creative […]

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