Startup Guide Creative Industries: 2
- Sep.
- 30
- Posted by Elisabeth Klee
- Posted in Start up Guide Creative Industries, Veranstaltungen
Key economists will confirm and annual statistics approve it: Berlin´s creative sector is an essential element of economic progress, employment and trade with ongoing increasing growth rates. But: it is easy for you as a fashion designer, musician, artist, architect, game developer or writer, to start your own creative business and access to Berlin markets? No it is not! To found and operate a business where your creativity is the capital, requires a calculated approach that differs from other standard business models.
With this Business Startup Guide I will point out the main steps to be successful as an entrepreneur in creative industries. First of all: it´s a pity but true – you are not alone. In the creative sector there are thousands of creative workers entering the workplace at the same time you are. If you want to enter markets sustainable, observe what your colleagues offer and where might be possible market niches. What you can offer that is different? Be creative and extend proposals and customized solutions which are still unidentified by others. Look at your customer! Who is he and what does he really need? May be he needs a corporate design for printed leaflets and his homepage too, so be ready to supply both! Develop your skills to present very good quality and fulfill customer´s satisfaction. A satisfied customer will be a loyal one and will recommend you!
Do you need more information, please register for my Business start up seminar “Creative Industries”. I have presented this seminars since 2014. This year you can join at 10/10/2017 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. at LONEX e.V. office LOK: Boppstr. 7, 10967 Berlin, fee including lunch an free ticket to deGut2017: 10,00 Euro.
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Initiative of Senate Department of Economic Affairs/Investmentbank Berlin
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IBB & Berliner Senat Seminar „Vielfalt gründet“

Are you involved in a creative industry or would you like to be? Please join our business start-up seminar to get the necessary information for being a successful entrepreneur in Berlin´s “Creative Industries”. The Seminar presenter will be Business Consultant Elisabeth Klee on 10/10/2017 from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. at LONEX e.V. office LOK: Boppstr. 7, 10967 Berlin, fee including lunch: 10,00 Euro.
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Letzte Beiträge
- Startup Guide Creative Industries 4
- Startup Guide Creative Industries 3
- Startup Guide Creative Industries: 2
- Startup Guide Creative Industries 1
- Business start up seminar in “Creative Industries”